Friday, January 13, 2012

Books I've Read This Week

Keeping in line with my new years resolutions my books have taken a turn towards non-fiction

Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson is a very interesting book the details how to detect psychopath's by answering a 20 question test. As the author mentions in the book once you start detecting psychopaths you'll start seeing them everywhere which is a bit of a problems. However, it is a great insight into how some folks brains are wired incredibly different than the average.

Great By Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck--Why Some Thrive Despite Them All is the latest in a series of books by Jim Collins. In it Collins examines a number of companies to determine what specific choices they've made in order to become great. Some of the qualities that emerged were the great companies didn't take crazy risks, first they tested their assumptions a little at a time before deciding to jump in with both feet and when things are going well that is the time where the great companies get extremely paranoid about how it could all go wrong.

See you next Friday.

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