Monday, December 31, 2012

Resolution Wrap Up

So back in January I made a bunch of resolutions. Since we are getting close to the end of 2012 I thought I'd take a look back and see how I did on them.

Read Less 

Back in 2011 I read 218 books and in 2012 I read 137 books so I succeeded in reading less but how did I do on quality.

Well I almost completely cut away my Manga reading with only one Manga book making my list in 2012. Not that I don't like Manga I just overdosed on a lot of quality series last year. My percentage of technical and non-fiction books went up but I still want to do better. What I need to do is stop putting a priority on the fiction and comics I get from the library and delve into the back log of books I already have purchased.

Verdict: Tie

Exterminate, Exterminate, Exterminate

Well I did a really good job on this one. I cut down on a number of inputs that were not providing me good information. If you need help with that I recommend reading The Information Diet by Clay Johnson. I recently subscribed to a bunch more podcasts but that was for me to find some new ones and trim out some of the older podcasts I'm no longer enjoying. I slashed away at who I was following on twitter and slowly added more people over time who are in the mobile development arena. Now my twitter feed contains much more relevant information than it did last year.

Also, TV was slashed away. My PVR actually died so I no longer felt the urge to catch up on the shows that were accumulating on the PVR. Instead I only watched some truly great shows like Homeland, Luther, Game of Thrones and couldn't be bothered to keep track of what is popular now.

Verdict: Win

The Obligatory "Get in Shape" Goal

This was a pretty easy goal for me to meet. They opened up a small gym on the first floor of my office building which makes it much easier for me to get in my weekly workouts. As well I really tried to watch what I was eating. Seriously, stick with food and not food like substances and you should be good folks. As a result I'm down about 10 lbs and in better shape than I was last year.

Verdict: Win

Publish or Perish

Okay, so I ended up publishing my first app to the Android marketplace. It wasn't the app I originally intended. That app was rendered obsolete by an update to the Android OS which included the functionality in the base OS.

I did not publish my first book. I am in the process of writing it and it will be a goal for me in 2013.

Verdict: Tie

So all in all I think I did pretty good in my keeping my resolutions for 2012. A bunch of wins and ties. Here's looking forward to a better 2013!

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