Tuesday, May 19, 2015

PhoneGap Day EU 2015 - Push N' Pull

Yesterday, I was happy to present at PhoneGap Day EU in Amsterdam. It's one of my favourite days of the year. Besides getting to hang out with all of my co-workers who I rarely get to see in person as we are separated by half a continent I get to talk in person with the people who use our software.

At PG Day I was presenting on the work that we've been doing in order to make the lives of developers easier. My presentation introduces the new and improved Push Plugin as well as the completely new Content Sync Plugin. I'll be blogging more about these two new plugins in the up coming weeks but for now if anyone wants to check out the slides they are embedded below:


  1. Sweet! That contentsync is a great idea.

  2. Please can you provide a way to run app from new ID location when using content-sync ?

  3. @Ahmed

    You just need to:

    var sync = ContentSync.sync({ src: url, id: 'myapp', type: 'replace', copyRootApp: true, copyCordovaAssets: true, headers: false });

    var setProgress = this.setProgress;

    sync.on('progress', function(progress) {
    console.log("Progress event", progress);

    sync.on('complete', function(data) {
    document.location = data.localPath + "/index.html";
