Unfortunately, PhoneGap Build does not yet support Gradle so if you are using this plugin with PhoneGap Build you will need to use version 1.2.3 or earlier for the time being.
I know last time I said I would be making sure that iOS9 works with version 1.3.0 but I wanted to get that Gradle change out as quick as I could. Next release 1.4.0 will be full tested with iOS9 and I won't wait a full month, I'll release it just as soon as it's tested.
Full Change Log
1.3.0 (2015-09-21)
Implemented enhancements:- How to use GCM 3.0 with this plugin? #127
- Android: possibility to send a notification with a title and without message #122
- Enhancement - Led, Vibration Pattern, Priority on Android #105
- It is using in gcm data.additionalData ? #126
- iOS notification from cold boot #117
- Notification LED is not working #97
- Know which version is used in build service #151
- Registration is not working in IOS9 #150
- build fail on android #149
- iconColor does not set icon background on Android #146
- Prevent windows toast notification when in foreground #145
- How to implement push notification for ios with this plug-in? #143
- After installing this plugin I can't build on Android #141
- version 1.2.3 #134
- New inbox style on android #131
- impossible to install the phonegap-plugin-push Error #130
- Hello, i am developing a cordova app which requires push notifications to be sent to users android phone, so i tried using this new phonegap push plugin as old one is deprecated, and it keeps giving me an error in console: Uncaught ReferenceError: module is not defined --- Line 154 Push.js and i dont have much experience with cordova, so can anyone assist me ? #128
- INVALID_REGISTRATION when http post request with to IOS #123
- Andriod :More than 2 notifications in status bar it is not works. #121
- Release notes for 1.2.x #119
- Google cloud messaging GCM - Push Notification not being sent (Server Side) #110
1.2.3 (2015-09-08)
Fixed bugs:Closed issues:
- Notification doesn't show the app icon #112
- Notification doesn't show the app icon #111
- Issue with plugin facebook connect #107
- Cordova Support #99
- Uncaught ReferenceError: cordova is not defined, http://localhost:8100/lib/push.js, Line: 7 #98
- Notifications never received on Android #96
- How know the way the app was launched #95
- Android, example doesn't work when it goes into background #94
- Utilizing push plugin #91
1.2.2 (2015-08-31)
Closed issues:- PushPlugin notification icon is too big #88
1.2.1 (2015-08-31)
Implemented enhancements:- Question about GCM Notifications and data in the message payload #87
- Notification callback for pushes without a message #80
I believe that callbacks on notification events (push.on('notification', callback)) are called when the notification is clicked, and not when it is actually received on the device. Is that correct, and if so, is there any way of executing code on receipt of the notification?
ReplyDelete@Martin Lund You are correct. I'm looking at a way to execute notifications in the background when the app is closed or minimized in the future.
ReplyDeleteexcuse , can i ask some questions ?
ReplyDelete1)Why can I get registrationId without installing phonegap-plugin-push
(plz see pic:http://ezstartup.cc/111.png)
2)I met MismatchedSenderId error , but but but ....
this my code : http://ezstartup.cc/21.png
senderId and server key in gcm : http://ezstartup.cc/3.png
They are the same , but I always get the same error ..
Can you give me some hints to solve this bug ...tks sooooooo much
(pretty sorry , i come from TW , eng is not good enough, sorry .)
@簡單創 Please open an issue at: https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugin-push