On Android the switch over to using Gradle is now complete. The deprecated gcm.jar has been removed from the plugin and replaced with the Google Play Services GCM framework. Even better news is that PhoneGap Build now supports Gradle builds.
The big feature that people have been clamoring for is background or silent notifications. It is now possible for your 'notification' event handler to run when you app is in the background on iOS and Android (support for Windows coming soon).
1.4.0 (2015-10-27)
Full ChangelogImplemented enhancements:
- Use Google's InstanceID API #188
- How to handle a re-installed app? #203
- interactive push notifications? #266
- Empty registrationId Android #265
- Run callback when clicking of notification body #261
- Android BUILD FAILED #251
- Re-register #250
- how to work in background ? #249
- installing plugin #244
- No Sound and vibration #242
- Unable to build apk #241
- still having problems with build. #239
- Registering on iOS 9 #238
- Custom sound repeated multiple times on Android #237
- Android: status bar notification is not shown #236
- Multiple Push Notifications - phonegap build #234
- error: cannot find symbol String token = InstanceID.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).getToken(senderID, GCM); #231
- Problem using "ledColor" and "VibrationPattern" #229
- Notification event receive, but not notification showing on android #228
- Events for registration not being fired #227
- 'registration' event not firing on windows phone #224
- Can i subscribe to a topic in using plugin? #219
- GCMIntentService.java:472: error: cannot find symbol iconColor #217
- Push Plugin registering on iOS 9 Devices but not showing Notification #216
- Receiving a notification "outside app" while in it? #213
- iOS push not working for device tokens when spaces removed #212
- Error: Plugin PushPlugin failed to install. #210
- Build error #205
- Android push.on('registration', cb) fires correctly on device, but not in emulator. #204
- 1.3.0 version not compatible with "crosswalk" by PGB #199
- How to get data on didReceiveNotification Background Process #198
- PushNotification is not defined in some devices #196
- not getting notifications on the Android device #195
- Installation Errors #186
- IOS: on registration fired twice #185
- Build failed with exit code 8 #184
- iOS: Not able to schedule local notification after adding the plugin #183
- How to show multiple notifications individually in android? #181
- iOS init option type #180
- Building for Android is a quest #179
- How do i tell if the user open the app by tapping the notification? #176
- IOS custom push sound when app is in background #175
- Hi guys please post full working procedure, I'm not able to get registration id also. Please help #174
- Has anyone tested this plugin on windows? #173
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