Starbucks has
launched two iPhone apps. The first is called
myStarbucks which helps you locate a store and build your own drink. The second called
Starbucks Card Mobile is more interesting as it turns your iPhone into a Starbucks payment card. With the app you can check your balance, scan the bar code on the screen to pay for drinks and of course it entitles you to 2 free hours of wi-fi per day at any Starbucks. Sadly neither app seems to be available in the Canadian app store but you know
how to get around that limitation, right?
I found both of these applications to be less than stellar and to lack the functionality that I think all of us are looking for when it comes to an iPhone App.
With the release of Applications like the Chipotle App that allow you to order from your phone and the technology such as splick-it that even small coffee shops are using. It seems like that would be the bare minimum in releasing an iPhone App from such an established company such as Starbucks. I am not saying they aren't planning on going there. I am just saying they are a little behind the curve on this.
great info and post btw.
I'm really hoping the applications continue to evolve. The functionality is even more hampered here in Canada.
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