As of Friday
PhoneGap 1.1.0 was released upon the world. I figured I would use this post to talk about some of the additions/changes to the API in our latest point release.
Chunked Streaming Mode
One of the biggest complaints about the FileTransfer code on Android is that it would throw an Out of Memory exception if the file you were trying to upload was too big. This happened because the HttpURLConnection class likes to buffer all the data to upload in memory before it even sends the first byte. You can see how that would be a problem when you are uploading a 10 mb file.
Now the default is to send the data in chunked streaming mode. Most web servers support chunked mode but if the one you are communicating with doesn't you'll end up getting a FileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR (Error code 3). To make this error go away you just need to set the right option:
var options = new FileUploadOptions();
options.chunkedMode = false;
Clean Up the Content Store
Previously when you were using FileEntry.remove() to delete a file, like an image, that had a corresponding entry in the content store the file would be removed from the file system but the database entry remained. This would cause odd behaviour in the Gallery app where you would see a black image. Now when you delete a file we do a query to see if there is a corresponding entry in the content store and remove it.
Double Image Bug
On some phones, Samsung for instance, when you used Camera.getPicture() you would end up getting two pictures in the gallery. One would be the raw image the camera took and the second would be the image with the options you specified like quality, targetWidth and targetHeight. Now we are doing a check to see if two images have been created and we'll remove the raw image and only store the one with the options you've specified.
Use Camera.getPicture() to Retrieve a Video
Typically you can get an image out of the gallery by doing:
var options = {
quality: 100,
}, fail, options);
but that only lists all the images in the gallery. What if you wanted the user to be able to select a Video? Well you couldn't until now. We've introduced a new mediaType option that will allow you to get an image, a video or both.
This will bring up the video gallery:
var options = {
quality: 100,
}, fail, options);
This will bring up the gallery for both images and video:
var options = {
quality: 100,
}, fail, options);
The default will continue to be to get a picture but if you want to explicitly state it do this:
var options = {
quality: 100,
}, fail, options);
Compass Return Value Has Changed
Previously on Android the getHeading() and watchHeading() methods would call their success call backs with a heading parameter which was express in degrees. In 1.1 to line up with iOS the return value is now a CompassHeading object which has the following properties:
magneticHeading: The heading in degrees from 0 - 359.99 at a single moment in time.
trueHeading: It is supposed to be the heading relative to the geographic North Pole in degrees 0 - 359.99 at a single moment in time. Unfortunately, on Android this will have the same value as magneticHeading.
headingAccuracy: Is supposed to report the degrees difference between the magnetic and true heading but since they are the same on Android this will always be 0.
timestamp: The time at which this heading was determined.
Multi-Page Apps
Now when you are dealing with multiple page apps there is a change to This command now exits the app completely it does not return to the previous page. If you want to go back a page you should use